Fédération Internationale Experts & Conseils Maritimes

International Marine Accredited Surveyors Association

The FIEM is a professional association which was founded in 1983

The marine surveyors accredited by the FIEM uphold the ethical standards set out in its statutes.
These standards are : professionalism, experience, competence, diligence, intellectual honesty and fully impartial judgement submitting to no economic pressure.

All category A Marine Surveyors who are members of the F.I.E.M. are committed to work according to strict application of the AFNOR Agreement ACX 50-827.
A monitoring committee, made up of members who are specialists in this area, has been set up by our Federation in order to oversee correct application of the stipulations of this AFNOR Agreement which was published and recognised by the European Commission in January 2006.
In the field of transport and river habitat which is also a specialty strongly developed by certain FIEM experts of which a certain number are recognized by the administrative authorities and safety centers as quality control bodies (OC) our FIEM federation has made an assiduous and positive contribution to the development of the AFNOR NF J81-03 Standard on « Competence of River Experts » which will soon be called upon to regulate the profession and activities of experts specialized in the river sector (CB) control bodies.

Our missions

Determining the value of a craft prior to purchase, sale or taking out fully comprehensive insurance. Determining the causes, consequences and origins of an accident, defect or failing.

Overseeing construction from new or repair work.

Detection of irregularities, tests, trials and analyses (oils, ultrasounds, hull sounding, osmosis etc.) Estimation of transformation or repair or total or partial refit costs for a craft or one of its constituant parts.

Legal protection.

Arbitration in case of litigation between parties. Advice, mediation and conciliation.

Need for expertise ?

FIEM is affiliated to the Federation of European Maritime Associations of Experts and Consultants..

Logo Femas

Maison des Associations
F, 33470 GUJAN-MESTRAS (France)


Mail: contact@fiem.fr
GSM : +33 6 10 29 57 06