With the exception of some rare training courses at university level (Naval schools - Schools of Naval architecture, etc.), the origin of the skills which made it possible to constitute the profession of maritime and river experts is essentially constituted by knowledge acquired through specialized careers and professional experience:
qualified cabin crew,
boating and shipbuilding professionals,
professions in professional specialties such as: mechanics, electricity, electronics, propulsion etc ...
Taking note of this situation, and of the gaps in the recognition of skills and technical achievements of the profession, the F.I.E.M. (International Federation of Maritime and River Experts and Councils) the European College of Maritime and River Experts (CEEMF) and the Chamber of River Experts (CEF) have initiated the creation of a center for training and updating the level of knowledge of experts maritime and fluvial in France.
This training center:
Training Center for Maritime & River Experts
based in Marseille already offers a training program adapted to the needs of the profession of experts for the regeneration of skills but also for continuing training of maritime and river experts.
Access the Training Center website by clicking on the icon below